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Monday, April 25, 2011


Psychologically, when you don't have any more interest or can not concentrate on the things you have to do, you might have been in the feeling of boredom. Some people will leave to find others refreshing their minds, while the others remain to find better solutions.

There are plus and minus for each option. What's the best for you?

Boredom, after all, is a form of criticism. -Wendell Phillips

If it were about your criticism on a steady-flat situation, it would be useful. You would try as hard as you can to get rid of this situation while thinking a successful way out. A few solutions would be leading you out, like thinking how to make a change from the steady-flat realism  to the dynamic one, seeking more colorful variations of painting your life to be more attractive. When you are accustomed to just sit and read a book about one thing, you are awakened to try it once, jumping into it deeply and attractively. 

 In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. 
It is not always an easy sacrifice. -Richard Bach

One thing that you might be advised to do is doing this sacrifice. Sacrifice the boredom! How? Despite not easy task, it's worth it. Find alternative ideas. Use different ways in doing things, don't stay in a singular monotonous approach or response to a thing. Change your fashion though. Engage in different games, why not? Wow, many ways you can see now...ha ahhh!

So, you can see that your sacrifice is valuable now.

Quotation: Boredom is a condition characterized by perception of one's environment as dull, tedious, and lacking in stimulation


Anonymous said...

wow..finally I found your blog here. I've never thought of it before. Nice sharing..keep up work!

honestly, I'm shy to let people that I know see my writing. May be you'll find some grammatical on it. but I don't care of it. it's a World Wide Web. "keep funky be your self no matter what they say"

Didi said...

Hi Lucky...
yes, finallyI made it..hehhe..

you are improved much. keep trying buddy.
Tx for visiting 'didimyords'

Chayyyooo!! Semangat.